Piratas del Caribe: El cofre del hombre muerto (2006)
Vuelve el capitán Jack
poster Piratas del Caribe: El cofre del hombre muerto
TMDb Rating:
7.3/10 (14.2K votes)

Also known as:Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (original title)

Country:United States, 151 minutes

Spoken languages:English, French, Mandarin, Greek, Turkish

Genres:Adventure, Fantasy, Action

Director(s):Gore Verbinski

Video Codec:Unknown

Number: 965

Will Turner y Elizabeth Swann se van a casar, pero ambos son hechos prisioneros por Lord Cutler Beckett y acusados de haber liberado al capitán Jack Sparrow. Para salvar su vida, Will tendrá que encontrar a Jack y conseguir su misteriosa brújula. Esta esconde un gran poder, además de la clave de una deuda de sangre del pirata con un temible y siniestro Davy Jones, el legendario capitán del barco fantasma Holandés Errante.


photo Johnny Depp
Johnny Depp Captain Jack Sparrow
photo Orlando Bloom
Orlando Bloom Will Turner
photo Keira Knightley
Keira Knightley Elizabeth Swann
photo Stellan Skarsgård
Stellan Skarsgård William "Bootstrap Bill" Turner
photo Bill Nighy
Bill Nighy Captain Davy Jones
photo Jack Davenport
Jack Davenport James Norrington
photo Kevin McNally
Kevin McNally Joshamee Gibbs
photo Jonathan Pryce
Jonathan Pryce Governor Weatherby Swann
photo Lee Arenberg
Lee Arenberg Pintel
photo Mackenzie Crook
Mackenzie Crook Ragetti
photo Tom Hollander
Tom Hollander Lord Cutler Beckett
photo Naomie Harris
Naomie Harris Tia Dalma
photo David Bailie
David Bailie Cotton
photo Martin Klebba
Martin Klebba Marty
photo David Schofield
David Schofield Ian Mercer
photo Alex Norton
Alex Norton Captain Bellamy
photo Dermot Keaney
Dermot Keaney Maccus
photo Andy Beckwith
Andy Beckwith Clanker
photo Clive Ashborn
Clive Ashborn Koleniko
photo Reggie Lee
Reggie Lee Headless
photo Christopher Adamson
Christopher Adamson Jimmy Legs
photo Jonathan Linsley
Jonathan Linsley Ogilvey (uncredited)
photo John Boswall
John Boswall Burser (uncredited)
photo Max Baker
Max Baker Burser - Edinburgh (uncredited)
photo Steve Speirs
Steve Speirs Quartermaster - Edinburgh (uncredited)

Medium: Unknown,

Location: Libro 1001-1400

Loaned: No

Aspect ratio: 2.55:1